Aerothermal and Heat Pumps
Aerothermal systems are designed to provide heating in winter, cooling in summer and hot water all year round by extracting the ambient energy contained in the air through a thermodynamic cycle. Its advantages, both for you and for the environment as it is considered a clean energy, are varied.
Aerothermal energy, a sustainable and efficient option. Heat pumps are more efficient and will be key in the decarbonization process.
The transition to a low-emission economy is possible, but it is essential to move towards more efficient energy carriers and end uses. Decarbonization and electrification are an opportunity to create wealth, generate green jobs and improve air quality -The goal in the European Union (EU), for example, is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Aerothermics and Heat Demand.
Aerothermal systems are heat pumps that extract the ambient energy contained in the air through a thermodynamic cycle. to provide heating in winter, cooling in summer and hot water all year round.
The potential of the heat pumps The efficiency of electric power plants is very high - they are much more efficient than conventional boilers - and will therefore be fundamental as an element of change when it comes to electrifying and decarbonizing the demand for heat. In Europe, for example, heat use accounts for 50 % of final energy demand. Within that use, heating and air conditioning domestic hot water (DHW) in buildings account for more than 60 % of heat needs, thermal processes in industry add about 30 % and cooling, more important in the south than in the north, only 2 %.
How does Aerothermics work?
The latest generation of electric heat pumps is a very efficient technology, to the point of being considered renewable from a regulatory point of view. The fundamental reason is that it is based on a thermodynamic cycle which extracts heat from the outside air through the use of refrigerants.